Practice 2 : 7A9/B8/C7/C8 – Clinician’s survey

As a result of it being problematic to set up any interviews with the clincians as they are quite stressed, have a very busy important roles and very little time to dedicate to anything else other than their job. Discussing this issue with Debbie Beirne, an on-line survey was considered the best solution.

I researched and found Survey Monkey were the most appropriate application to use.

I set up the survey and discussed the phrasing of the questions and what I wanted to get out of the survey. On interviewing patients see pf then expressed their frustration in not knowing what was the result of the trails they had undertaken, or the value of their work. They were after all poorly people and so if they are putting themselves out when somthing they can be at a low ebb then it is only right they should know how their actions and effort has helped.

The results of the surveys enabled me to work with words and the value of the patience’ actions in respect of the clinicians. This began the ideas generating process using words fundamental rather than the data visualisation being the focus.

clincians survey

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